Titanic and Grade Eight Memories (Plus I Saw The Hunger Games!)

It’s a big spring for me at the box office!

I’m sorry, but first of all I have to mention that I went to see The Hunger Games Sunday night!  I’d only been waiting for it for what felt like ever!  And nagging my boyfriend about the fact that we NEEDED to be at the theater early to get a good seat.  I’m so glad to be part of opening weekend statistics!  The movie was good and stayed pretty true to the book, although there were a few discrepancies I noticed (why can I remember useless information like book details, and not useful life/work information??).  I shed a tear when Katniss volunteered to take Prim’s place, and when she was saying goodbye to Gale.  My verdict:  Read the book first.  You definitely understand what the characters are feeling and going through a lot more.

(I burnt my mouth on my coffee at work on Saturday and I told my boyfriend about it, and instead of giving me sympathy, he said, “You will be fine.  Katniss would be able to handle the pain.”  And you know what?  He’s right.  My new life philosophy should be what would Katniss do?)

I’ll stop going on about Hunger Games now.  Back to what I really want to talk to you about today.

The next movie I’m super pumped to see is Titanic 3D which comes out next week.  I may have shed a tear at The Hunger Games when the Titanic preview came on.  Celine has that power over you, you know.

It’s unfortunate I’ll have to wait until I get back from vacation to go see it.  Hopefully it will still be in IMAX then.

I remember when the movie originally came out, back when I was in grade eight.  Let me tell you a little about my grade eight self.

I was desperately in love with Hanson, and convinced I was going to marry Taylor.   My friend Tasha was desperately in love with Leonardo DiCaprio and convinced she was going to marry him.  We used to spend hours elaborately creating the details of our futures to said teen heart throbs.

(Did you take an MMMBop break??)

So you can only imagine how excited Tash was about Titanic coming out!  We decided to have “Leo Day” in preparation of Titanic and watched many Leo movies, including What’s Eating Gilbert Grape and Romeo and Juliet, and ate Munchos.

When Titanic finally arrived in theaters, a bunch of my friends and I went to the theater in the next town over (because our town was so small that it took weeks for movies to get there) only to find out that the movie was SOLD OUT!  It was horrible!  Those were the days before you could buy tickets online.

Anyways, we weren’t going to let that happen to us twice.  We devised an elaborate plan to ensure that we would get to see the movie.  There were code words involved… and I want to say that there was a diagram too.

Our brilliant plan (which I think actually just involved a lot of phone calling and showing up early) worked and we saw the movie and it was amazing!

Then Tash and I used Barbies to act out her wedding to Leo, with the Titanic soundtrack as wedding music.  I’m pretty sure Taylor and I were in attendance.  And then Tash and Leo named their babies Jack and Rose.

We were so cool.

Surprisingly, she never married Leo, and I haven’t married Taylor (yet).

But there’s still hope for the baby names!  I just went to Tash’s baby shower last weekend.  She’s having a baby boy.  Perhaps Jack is in the running for his name??

I am so excited to go see Titanic on the big screen again!  I’m pretty sure I would go see it at the theater again even if it wasn’t 3D.  I’m a huge fan of nostalgia and it brings back such happy memories of my adolescence.  Ah, back when life was simpler.  Before I was a crazy person.

What do you remember about the first time you saw Titanic?  Are you going to go see it on the big screen again?